Sunday, January 25, 2009

Romantic Knits

Valentine's Day is coming soon - aren't you psyched?! It's my favorite holiday. I love walking into grocery stores and card shops and seeing reds and pinks and purples and HEARTS everywhere. Moreso than Christmas, with it's mad-dashing, frustrated and competitive shoppers pulling their hair out and stomping Walmart employees to death, Valentine's Day is the only holiday when retailers seem to be spreading love and cheer, even if it is insincere.

Juliet would've worn these, were she an Etsy shopper in our day.

Valentine's Day is coming soon enough. If you're already making dinner reservations you might want to start planning some other details. Ordering something flirty from Etsy is a fabulous idea, but make sure it gets to you in time. Here are some of my suggestions from Etsy sellers for romantic toppers.

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